What is Moodle?

If you represent an educational institution and also you would like to make your courses available on the www, then Moodle has to be your first selection. Moodle supplies an internet tutoring software which is made for teachers and lecturers, that want to help to make their lessons available on the www.

As a result of it’s distinct potential customers, Moodle is created to be convenient–to–use by both teacher and also the student, in order to be more handy. Because of this, you will find such a massive community, focused entirely on building themes and plugins that enhance Moodle’s main characteristics.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with Multimedia Provider.

Online School Linux Shared Packages Services

By employing our Online School Linux shared packages solution, you can get your e–learning web site set up online with only a mouse click. You just need to pick Moodle in the application drop–down menu located on the order form and we’ll set up your online learning environment when we set up your hosting account. That will give give you the chance to begin working on your e–learning program right after the sign–up process has been carried out.

Each and every Online School Linux shared packages package is protected by a set of service guarantees for the hassle–free functioning of one’s online courses. Your web hosting account will be prepared for free and shall incorporate a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Moreover, if you’re not content with Multimedia Provider’s Online School Linux shared packages services, you are able to make use of the 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

Our Online School Linux shared packages packages are built with a user–friendly Web Site Control Panel, which was completely produced by us. It is offered in more than 10 languages and styles, to help you 100% customize it to your personal preferences. The Control Panel provides a point–and–click user interface with a range of tools, that will give you full command over your content.

In our Control Panel you’ll find a drag–and–drop File Manager where your e–learning portal’s website content is going to be saved, a Database Manager for your personal databases, in addition to a comprehensive Mailbox Manager where you can manage your email communication with pupils. Additionally, we have set an elaborate stats tool, that certainly will keep you up to date on your website traffic and resource usage in real time.