If you ever face a problem with your site and are incapable of taking care of it on your own, ask the respective web hosting provider’s customer service staff to help you get the website back online. A prompt solution would be the most optimal scenario, but lots of hosting companies reply within twenty four hours or even more, especially if you’re dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be swiftly resolved, your site may not function correctly or it may not be reachable at all for a longer period, so you may lose prospective clients since it’s extremely unlikely that anybody would return to a broken site. Therefore, you need to make sure not only that you can reach your web hosting company, but also that they can respond and assist you in a well-timed fashion. If a web application update does not proceed as planned or you delete something mistakenly, for instance, the site should be restored promptly in order to prevent extended unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting

With a shared hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting around for hours, or even one whole day, to obtain a reply to a client support ticket or an email. No matter when you contact us, we’ll get back to you within no more than one hour with any sales and technical enquiries you might have. The fact is, our real reply time scarcely ever exceeds 20 to 30 minutes. Since we are at your service 24 hours a day, you will always get support in a well-timed manner and we understand exactly how important this is in the online era. Soon after you contact us, we will answer your questions. In case you confront any technical predicament, we’ll rectify it instead of you, or we’ll supply you with all the needed information if there is something that you need to do on your end.