InnoDB is a database engine for MySQL databases, which is used by popular PHP-driven software apps like Magento and Joomla v3. It is perfect for scalable apps, as it works amazingly well when processing huge volumes of data. Instead of locking the whole table to enter new information into a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can process much more tasks for the same period of time. Furthermore, InnoDB offers a faster database crash recovery and supports transactions and foreign key constraints – a set of rules that define how data imports and updates should be treated. In case a certain task hasn’t been fully completed for any reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the information in the database will be preserved safe and sound and won’t be partially mixed with new content.

InnoDB in Shared Hosting

Every script-driven web app that needs InnoDB will function flawlessly on our innovative cloud platform and the MySQL storage engine is available with all our shared hosting packages. Whenever you create a MySQL database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation process is initiated, the engine that the database in question will make use of will be selected on the basis of the app’s requirements without having to configure any setting in your account. InnoDB will be chosen automatically for any app that requires this particular engine and you’ll be able to make the most of its full capacity. We will create regular content backups, so in case you accidentally remove a MySQL database that is important to you or you overwrite certain parts of it, we will be able to restore everything the way it was only a few hours earlier.

InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting

All Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that are ordered with our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel come with a software bundle that’s pre-activated and besides everything else, you’ll get the InnoDB database engine, so you won’t need to activate it manually if you wish to activate scripts that require it. All it takes to install such a script is to set up a new database and to begin the setup – as soon as the installation wizard receives access to the database and begins dumping content in it, InnoDB will be set as the default MySQL engine for this database as long as it is the one required by the particular script. You’ll also be able to install scripts that require the other very popular MySQL engine, MyISAM, so you will not need to configure any settings on the dedicated server. This will allow you to run different scripts on one single server and to use it to its fullest capacity.